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Tips for Keeping Your Awning in Great Shape

Awnings are relatively easy to care for and clean. They will do just fine if left alone, but there are a few things you can do to keep them looking like new. Here are four tips on awning care to keep your outdoor awning looking delightful year after year.


A weekly brushing with a soft bristle brush will go a long way toward keeping your awning clean. Any soft bristle brush with an extendable handle will work, and an RV awning brush is ideal for this task.

No need to brush hard—just brush the entire awning to get rid of dust, dirt, and other particles that may have fallen on it.

Hosing It Off

A quick rinse with a hose will dislodge any larger particles that may have fallen onto the top of the awning. In many cases, this is as good as, or better than, brushing.

Hosing off your awning will rinse away dirt instead of rubbing it into the fabric like brushing might. The fabric will look brighter and more appealing after it has dried.


Using a hose with your brush and a little dish soap will really get your awning clean. Just mix up a batch of regular dishwater in a five-gallon bucket using a mild dish soap of your choice.

Wet the awning first with a hose, then dip the soft bristle brush in the liquid and gently scrub the awning with the dishwater solution. Clean the entire awning like this, then rinse it off with your hose when done. It will look as good as new when you are finished. If you are worried about soap runoff, use an eco-friendly dishwater detergent. Eco-friendly detergents are the mildest that you can find, so any of them would be a good choice for awning care.

You only need to do this twice a year: at the end of summer and the beginning of spring. The results will speak for themselves every time you wash your awning.

Letting It Dry

One of the biggest awning care mistakes is not letting a retractable awning dry after it has rained or snowed.

The folds and creases of a retractable awning will collect water. The water itself will not affect the fabric, but the moisture may result in mold or mildew growth. The best and easiest way to make sure that doesn’t happen is to extend the awning and allow it to dry thoroughly.

This is also true if you take down an awning for storage. Make sure it is fully extended and it has dried completely before taking it down, or the next time it is used you may find mildew.

By following these four simple cleaning tips, you’ll keep your awning looking fresh!

For your next awning contact Eclipse Shading Systems!