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Life Under the Shade

Your Eclipse Awning is the Ideal Solar Protection Solution

Lately you have been thinking that it would be so nice to have summer off from the daily grind the way kids do. While you know this is not possible, you have found a way to steal a little time for yourself this season. It’s the first day of camp and you took the full week off to enjoy some summertime relaxation. Beginning with enthusiastic good-byes from excited kids and one excited Mom, you are ready to launch day 1 with a cup of ice coffee and a book you’ve been trying to read all year. As you settle onto […]

Getting Together with Friends for Mahjongg under Cool Shade by Eclipse

With the kids off at camp, you only have your schedule to consider, making this a more relaxing time to entertain. The girls are coming to your house today for the big Mahjongg game. There will be some light snacking while you play but later in the day, the husbands will be joining for a nice outdoor dinner. You have been looking forward to this little gathering all week with plans to have your company congregate on the back deck. The day has been sunny with clear skies so it’s been comfortable under the shade of your Eclipse retractable awning, […]

Enjoy Backyard Privacy under the Shade of Your Eclipse E-Lite Retractable Awning

You live in a small old-fashioned house in a quiet family oriented neighborhood. You have made some renovations over the years, always preferring to be economical and efficient. You enjoy the architecture of smaller rooms that push you outdoors for at least six months of fresh air living. When you purchased the house, you planted those beautiful Hawthorne trees close to the fence knowing that eventually, you would have the privacy you like for your backyard. When the new neighbors moved in a few years ago with two little children and put in an in-ground swimming pool, then had another […]

Lazy Summer Days Ahead under the Eclipse Retractable Awnings

It’s a lazy summer day and you’re all quite content to hang out in the back yard or on the patio under the Eclipse retractable awning. Fresh air is always wonderful, but no one needs direct exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun. So when the awning rolls out, you know you’re protecting yourself and your family. Motorized retractable awnings block up to 98% of the sun’s dangerous UV rays and supply significant cooling. It was also obvious that with a retractable awning from Eclipse Shading Systems® on the back of the house, the inside rooms on that […]

Eclipse Shading Systems® – a Family Tradition

It’s time to get your outdoor spring-cleaning going, so you rake out the brush from around the shrubbery and wash the deck. Maybe you’ll give it a new coat of paint this year. Mostly what you’re thinking about while you get your extended outdoor living space ready for another season is that the conversation you had with your son the day he graduated from college. That conversation took place under the very awning you are hosing off, and the fabric looks just as good now as it did then. You’re glad you purchased a high quality Eclipse retractable awning. Your […]

How to Save Money by Installing an Awning on Your Deck

Do you like saving money, maybe seeing a little bit left over in your bank account once all the monthly bills are paid? Silly question right, of course you do. I mean, who doesn’t? Well, did you know that installing a retractable awning on your deck can actually make your money saving dream a reality? You’re probably thinking, “How can I possibly save money by installing a retractable awning on my deck, fresh air and sunshine are free?” You’re right, they are, but trying to cool your home in the overwhelmingly hot summer months isn’t. Picture it, you have the […]