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Life Under the Shade

Enjoying Your New Office with Commercial Shading from Eclipse

You are very happy with your promotion and excited about your new office because it’s on the side of the building that has Eclipse awnings. The office is relatively new and not a huge corporate structure, but your boss is environmentally committed and she likes saving money on operating expenses. More solar radiation comes through glass than through walls so savings on energy bills from using less air conditioning can be substantial. Retractable awnings help to reduce heat gain by as much as 77% with western exposure and as much as 65% with southern exposure, making your summer days at […]

Outdoor Living with Shade from Eclipse Shading Systems®

You have always enjoyed this time of year when the kids come home from school, you’re there waiting with healthy after school snacks and loving conversation, but after that you gently guide them to do their homework …on the back deck under the shade of your Eclipse retractable awning. It’s fun for children to combine being responsible with getting fresh air and being a little silly. Even though it’s still early in the spring, the sun’s UV rays are stronger every day, so you want to make sure to shade the patio by rolling out the Eclipse awning. Air temperatures […]

Work from Home in Eclipse Shaded Comfort

You love your new Eclipse interior solar screens and enjoy their benefits all year round. Your home office gets the midday and late afternoon waning sun so you need to keep the glare off the computer and also like that the heat of the sun cannot radiate into the room and bump up the temperature because the roller shades block out that possibility. It’s just like having eyeglasses for your windows! Working at home is about as good as it gets, especially in the summer time. You like to start your day with the morning paper and coffee on the […]

Outdoor Room with Shading = Arts & Crafts for Cousins

Your three sisters are coming over to do arts and crafts with the kids. Why is your home the ‘go to’ place? Because you have an outdoor room with a floor that can be hosed off when they are all done. Doing art projects outdoors on the shaded back porch keeps the mess manageable and keeps the kids safe from the dangerous rays of the sun with Eclipse retractable awnings. Eclipse Shading Systems® retractable awnings have so many advantages for the homeowner. When colorful retractable awnings are installed on a home, it creates curb appeal and raises the value. Your […]

Like Mother, Like Daughter – Popsicles under the Shading of Eclipse

Sitting on the front porch always brings a smile to your face. Not only because you are cooler and protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun, but also because it reminds you of your childhood and the many summer afternoons you came up the street, walking back from summer camp programs and saw your mother sitting on the front porch, under the awning waiting for you. She didn’t have a glass of cold lemonade or milk and cookies, but there was a reason for that. Any minute, with just enough time for a hug and a hand wash, […]

Fight Rising Energy Costs – Spend More Time under Your Eclipse Awning

You have always been a big fan of spending hot summer days in the shade so you’ve wandered off into the wooded area behind your house, gone to the park, or taken a drive to the lake. This year, you are going to stay at home because you have your own shaded backyard oasis with Eclipse Shading Systems® retractable awnings and accessories from Bowden’s Fireside Hearth & Home to help you relax and reduce your energy costs. You went to Bowden’s Fireside Hearth & Home and their expert consultants explained the multiple benefits of installing Eclipse shading on your home. […]